The Dashes hat, my second pattern, was released last week! I’m so happy with this one, it’s fun but not too over the top. It’s a stranded colourwork hat and comes in 7 sizes, from Newborn to Adult L. The colourwork chart is really easy to memorise so it hits that sweet spot between easy but not too boring to knit.
I originally designed Dashes last year as a birthday gift to my friend. Creating new designs for specific people is always great fun and a good challenge as it helps me think outside my little box while still trying to keep my own touch. When it came to Dashes, I wanted to make something graphic but still bright in a way.

As for the Noisy hat, I made a little online colour picker for this hat too. In fact, I actually created the first prototype for this specific hat, and I threw it online really quickly when I got it to work and loaded it on my phone when I was at the yarn shop picking colours for the green brimmed sample. Sometimes colours can look great in the skeins next to each other and still not knit up as you’d hoped, so it can be helpful to be able to preview your colours ideas in the pattern.
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